Silviu Niculita is a passionate software professional focused on solving hard business problems with cutting-edge technology.
For the past 10 years he has managed teams building and operating high-performance enterprise systems from hardware architecture to design, development, quality assurance and support.
Silviu’s areas of interest are around how small teams can be most effective in building real software: high-quality, secure systems at the highest limits of robustness, performance, and flexibility.
Silviu has worked with groups like Microsoft and Siemens and he also holds numerous IT certifications.
Silviu’s full bio is available on LinkedIn.
Buna, Silviu,
Eu sunt Oana, iti scriu din partea conferintei DevTalks Romania, eveniment premium dedicat comunitatii de IT din Romania.
Ne dorim sa te avem prezent in calitate de speaker la editia din Bucuresti, pe 6 iunie, pe scena DevOps.
Mai jos este un scurt intro despre eveniment, urmand sa iti pot raspunde la intrebari pe care le poti avea.
DevTalks se intampla in Bucuresti pe 6 si 7 iunie si este cel mai important eveniment dedicat developerilor si profesionistilor in IT din Romania. Cuprinde 13 mari scene de conferinta si o zona larga de expo.
Speakeri internationali si locali, evanghelisti, fondatori, CEOs ce vor intalni pentru a prezenta noile trenduri si impartasi experienta lor.
2 zile de topicuri punctuale si informative pe 13 scene mari:
– 6 Iunie, 7 scene – Emerging Tech (Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, VR/AR etc.), DevOps, Web, Smart Everything (Smart cities, Smart cars, Smart houses, Smart health, Automotive etc.), Java, Datafication (Big Data & RPA) si Product Management;
– 7 iunie, 6 scene – Emerging Tech, Digital Transformation, Security, Mobile, QA & Testing, SAP Tech Stage.
Esti un speaker valoros pentru audienta si eveniment si ne dorim sa te avem invitat pe scena DevOps, din 6 iunie, intr-un keynote de 30-45 minute.
Astept cu nerabdare un raspuns.
Multumesc pentru atentie,
Agenda Manager
Address: 6 Pitar Mos, 2nd Floor, 1st District, Bucharest
Mobile : +40 770 923 838
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